Investing in Marriage
Marriage. It is sacred, beautiful and foremost blessed by God. It’s hard work, easily neglected and constantly under fire in the present spiritual climate. Most people want a fulfilling marriage, but few have a plan to achieve this.
Recent studies have clearly shown that couples genuinely benefit from taking part in Marriage Preparation Courses, therefore, TIMEIN Preparation is designed to be an interactive, proactive learning process that compliments a thorough preparation for marriage. The course, tailored to each couple, includes a booklet, worksheets, surveys, discussion, marriage planning, videos and more.
Course coverAGE:
1. Building Strong Foundations
2. Love and Respect
3. Effective Communication
4. Conflict Resolution
5. Love Languages
6. Intimacy in Marriage
7. Maximizing Finance
8. Blended Family
9. Vision Casting for your Marriage
Yvonne is an excellent counsellor. She is wise, open and light-hearted. All the topics were relevant and presentation was excellent. Thank you so much!
- C & N
Yvonne is very down to earth. She speaks about the realities of marriage in a Godly way. She didn’t over spiritualize or under spiritualize topics covered.
- D & C
You did a great job in giving us some necessary tools to begin our marriage.
- V & Y
Thank you so much for providing us with sound Christian counselling. We appreciate you taking the time out on Saturday mornings to see us.
- N & L
You had a very pleasant demeaner. We felt comfortable dealing with topics of a very personal nature. Thank you.
- M & P
The course was great – wanted it to be longer! Thank you.
- C & P
Thank you very much. The sessions were very helpful and informative.
- G & J
Yvonne, thank you for taking the time to care enough to minister to me in my time of need. I appreciate that you made yourself available to be used of God in such a great way. Your ministry to me really helped me in ways that will last a lifetime. I pray that God will bless you richly because you’ve been such a great blessing to me.
- A.
Yvonne, you have been a solid brace to lean on when several aspects of the journey became unstable in all areas
of my life. THANK YOU for your ongoing support, kind words of encouragement and most of all your prayers.
I truly appreciate it. May the blessing of the Lord overtake you as you continue to display the fruits of the Spirit in
such a passionate way.
- C.H.
$65 individual session per couple
$490 Full Course per couple
We believe that no one who needs support during this time should be denied. Please call Yvonne about grants, discount vouchers for which you may qualify. Limited discounts for Marriage Preparation and Marriage Counselling available.
Weekend stayover to complete the entire course also available. Enquire for more details.
Book your free 30 minutes no obligation consultation.